Lets begin with 10 FACTS ABOUT ME...

March 01, 2017

Firstly I thought I would start with 10 FACTS ABOUT ME, just to give you a tiny insight to my world.
  1. I have a total of 24 (nearly 25 - at the end of this month) years experience in life.
  2. I'm due to get married in Portugal this year on the 12th of June.
  3. I have been with my handsome man for a crazy 11 years (yes, we are childhood sweethearts as we started dating at a tender 13/14 years old)
  4. We have a beautiful Daughter who is 2 years old (3 in July)
  5. We live on a little island called the Isle of Man, stranded between England & Ireland. (Famous for the TT motorbike racing - & cats with no tails!)
  6. I am VERY family orientated, being an only child, I am extremely close to my parents & love spending time with family.
  7. I was originally born in Oldham, Manchester - England.
  8. I work for my Dad's business - as a secretary.
  9. My hobbies include shopping (when I can afford to), keeping fit, cooking and spending quality time with my favourite people.
  10. This is probably my 9th attempt at writing a blog, I really suck at it, but I'm hoping to try harder with this one... (wish me luck!)
Laura  ❤

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