Easter Chicks

March 22, 2017

I was tearing my hair out this morning trying to entertain the little one at work.

She loves painting, especially hand painting & seen as Easter is just around the corner, I thought 'Easter Chicks' would be a simple easy craft she can do with her paints.

Firstly, I printed off some chick shape bodies, this is the template I used below;

I then let her go wild with the yellow paint, adding teeny drops of orange for a marble kind of effect.

I added a bit more orange to the yellow paint to make the colour slightly darker, she then painted her hand and printed this on a separate piece of paper (you could actually do it on the same chick shape, but she wouldn't leave the chick to dry long enough first and it would be a smudgey mess by the end of it.

Once dry, I cut the hand print out, a circle with a black dot for an eye, an orange triangle for a beak and some thin orange legs. We then stuck these on (she did the eye and wing (hand) and I did the tiny fiddly beak & legs,) I think the end result is pretty cute.

Her task for this afternoon is to make her chick a basket out of scraps of paper and material, little chick can then be placed in the basket and stuck on our 'projects wall.'

Laura ❤

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